
Plus 67 safe clean nice .

24 ธ.ค. 2567 22:52 น.

Plus 67 safe clean nice  .

Plus 67 safe clean nice  .

Plus 67 safe clean nice  .

Plus 67 safe clean nice  .

ราคา 18,000 บาท


เนื้อที่ 49

plus 67 clean, safe, quiet, 7th floor, bts phra khanong ***services for selling/renting houses, condos and consulting. interested, please contact us at any time.*** interested in more details or pictures or making an appointment to view the room contact ekkachai (aui) t. 089-799-5598 line id: @auiauiaui001 (add @ in front) room type: 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom size: 49 sq m., 7th floor clean room, beautifully decorated, ready to move in ... details -------------------------------------------------------------- rental price: 18,000.-/month -------------------------------------------------------------- *facilities worth using – fitness – swimming pool – key card – cctv – 24-hour security guard -------------------------------------------------------------- *nearby important places (reference from google map) - bts phra khanong - gateway ekkamai - tesco lotus - bangkok university, kluaynamthai campus - wells international school - sukhumvit hospital - kluaynamthai hospital -------------------------------------------------------------- rental conditions 1-year lease pay 1 month rent in advance, 2 months security deposit tags: bts, bts phra khanong, condo plus 67, plus 67, condo phra khanong, condo sukhumvit 97, condo near bts phra khanong, condo near bts.

เข้าชม 16 ครั้ง


ตำบล อำเภอ จังหวัด กรุงเทพมหานคร

ชื่อ : เอกชัย เพิ่มพูนพิพัฒน์

โทร : 0897995598

E-mail : [email protected]

Line ID : auiauiaui001


พลัส 67 ,


หมายเลขประกาศ 121222 | แก้ไขประกาศ | ลบประกาศ

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